Development > Programming Languages > Python
Fundamentals of Programming
Learn A-Z everything about Python, from the basics, to advanced topics like Python GUI, Python data analysis and more!
(3,146 ratings)
19,194 students
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15 Sections 146 lectures 14h 42m total length
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Web App Developer, Programmer, Professor, Author, Athlete
My name is Zak Ruvalcaba and I have been researching, designing, and developing for the Web since 1995. I specialize in web and mobile web site and application development focusing on responsive user interface design, user experience, and usable presentation. I hold a Bachelor’s degree from San Diego State University and a Master of Science in Instructional Technology from National University in San Diego.
My skill set includes numerous front-end and back-end authoring, scripting, and programming languages, technologies, and tools. Many of which I’ve written about or currently teach at the community college level. I am a Microsoft Certified Application Developer for .NET (MCAD) and a Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer for .NET (MCSD).
Student Feedback
Scott F.
16 July 222
Excellent introduction to the topics. There are very minor attribute errors for updated modules, but that gives the student an excellent opportunity to search for solutions on StackOverflow or other websites.
Justin M.
16 July 222
Awesome teacher! I’m enjoying the presented course material and learning a lot. Thank you Jose !!!!!
John A.
16 July 222
Lots of codes relate to Python2 and it has been very difficult to search constantly search for the replacement for the deprecated commands
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