Top 10 Ways to Make Employee Engaged and Satisfied

Whatever the business is, employee is one of the biggest assets for every company. A company cannot run moreover it cannot grow if the employees are not growing, feeling engaged and satisfied. Therefore, we have to make them feel engaged and satisfied to make the company grow, because happy employee is happy company.

There are a lot of ways to make them feel like that, and here are some of the ways we can make it happen:

  • Meaningful Work: Nobody want to work without any direction or any soul in it. Everyone wants to work a meaningful project with a clear goals and impact to the betterness of the world. Therefore, we have to strive to provide the employees with challenging tasks that align with their skills and also align with their interests. This will allow them to contribute to something bigger than themselves.
  • Competitive Compensation & Benefits: One of the most important things to keep our company running well by having happy employees is to give them competitive compensation and give them competitive benefits. It’s no secret that competitive competition and benefits package will help the employee feel better, more loyal and also improve their productivity. Therefore, never forget to put this on the checklist on how to make the employees happy.
  • Competitive Compensation & Benefits: Giving them a positive work and fight on mans that feels collaborative and promotes open communication, mutual respect and mutual trust will also help them feel very, very happy. Some Companies also give some free amenities, some free food for the employees, so they can focus on working without having to thing or worry about their meals, which is a good thing. And if we’re going to apply this, be sure so make hygienic food for employees by following a strict food safety standard.
  • Growth Opportunities: Not only have to be meaningful but we also have to provide them with growth opportunities. Trying to offer them meaningful and useful training and development programs to help them advance their careers and help them learn many new skills. This will make them feel satisfied. And this will give them a sense of progress in their career. In Singapore, we have something called PWM or Progressive Wage Model to facilitate this. This can help them to improve their skills as well as their compensation, which in turn will make them happier. Feel engaged and work harder.
  • Work-Life Balance: Don’t make your employees burnt out all the time. Give them ample time to work and ample time for resting. Encourage healthy boundaries between work and their personal life and provide. flexible work arrangement. Believe us that if we provide flexibility to the employees, they will be more loyal compared to when we force a strict measure for them.
  • Open Communication: Working together means we should respect one another. And one way to do it is to open two-way communications between the employees and the employer. Encourage them to give open and honest feedback. Address their concerns. implement solutions to improve the workplace condition.
  • Recognition & Appreciation: Recognize and appreciate your employees regularly by acknowledging and celebrating their achievements, whether it’s small or big. This will foster a great sense of value inside them Also, we’ll increase the sense of being valued by the company.
  • Employee Engagement: Engage with them to contribute ideas and participate in decision making process. This will foster a sense of ownership to the company and also foster a sense of responsibility of the employees.
  • Employee Well-being: Prioritize their health and wellness by offering programs and resources that will help them to improve their well-being. This can be in form of physical support, mental support, and also emotional well-being support
  • Leadership That Leads by Example: Demonstrate with them your strong leadership that embodies or present the values of the company. Inspire the employees by being a good example, a good leader, a good role model. This will foster positive work environment, and also will foster a supportive work environment.

Please remember that employees are humans. And just like us love to be happy, they also love to be happy. Just focus on how to make them happy, and in return they will make the company happy as well.