Table of contents
- CoreTrade Scheme
- Registration Procedure for CoreTrade Scheme
- Requirements to attend familiarization courses
- Multiskilling Scheme
- Who can apply for Multiskilling scheme
- Registration Procedure for Multi-skilling Scheme
- Timeline Cycle for CoreTrade & Multi-Skilling Scheme
CoreTrade & Multi-Skilling Scheme
Below are two schemes under Building and Construction Authority (BCA) for your workers to upskill and improve: BCA CoreTrade & Multi-Skilling Scheme
1. Coretrade Scheme
The Construction Registration of Tradesmen (CoreTrade) Scheme was introduced to allow the built environment sector to build up its core group of competent and experienced workers in key construction trades and supervisory roles to anchor and lead the construction workforce, and raise its quality and productivity levels.
There are 3 classes of CoreTrade personnel:
- CoreTrade Tradesmen
- CoreTrade Foremen
- CoreTrade Supervisor
Registration Criteria for foreign work permit holder with a Skills Evaluation Certificate (SEC/SEC(K)) to be CoreTrade personnel are:

What are the trades available for registration under Coretrade?

Registration Procedure for CoreTrade Scheme
How to be a CoreTrade Tradesmen?

CoreTrade Online Application Website: https://www.bca.gov.sg/cwrs/
*Please note that the Acknowledgement Notice (AN) from BCA only valid for 1 Year
How to upgrade from Tradesmen to CoreTrade Foremen?
CoreTrade Online Application Website: https://www.bca.gov.sg/cwrs/
*Please note that the Acknowledgement Notice (AN) from BCA only valid for 1 Year
Requirements to attend familiarization courses
From 1 October 2012, eligible applicants who apply to be CoreTrade Tradesman or CoreTrade Foreman will be required to attend the Familiarization Course before sitting for Skills Assessment. This is to ensure that the applicants are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge of the trade and be better prepared for the Skills Assessment. Registration for Familiarization Courses and Skills Assessment can be made at BCA’s Approved Training and Testing Centres (ATTCs)*.
*Coursemology provides such services. For more information click the link below
CoreTrade & Multi-Skilling Scheme Courses
Find out more about our Sales-related courses available for you to attain WSQ certificates.
2. Multiskilling Scheme
The Multi-Skilling Scheme provides an alternative pathway for the industry to upgrade its experienced workers. It complements the CoreTrade Scheme, which caters to workers specialized in key construction trades. It aims to:
- Build up a pool of workers who are competent in multiple construction trades and can carry out more than one type of work task on-site.
- Provide employers with greater flexibility in deploying multi-skilled workers on-site, which helps to reduce downtime and improve productivity.
Construction personnel registered under the Multi-Skilling Scheme are qualified as “Higher Skilled” R1 workers under the Ministry of Manpower (MOM)’s Foreign Worker Levy Scheme.
What are the skills for registration under Multiskilling?

Accelerated Learning Programme
From 7 Feb 2022, the BCA and the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) will be introducing the Accelerated Learning Programme (ALP) for Malaysian and North Asian Source (NAS) Construction Work Permit Holders (WPHs). The ALP is a new pathway to facilitate the entry and retention of higher-skilled construction workers.
The ALP consists of a 1-day training course and an end-of-course validation. The end-of-course validation, which is a practical test that takes 4 to 5 hours to complete, assesses a construction worker’s craft skills to ensure that the worker is competent and can meet the required quality standards of a skilled tradesman.
The end-of-course validation will be offered at BCA Approved Training and Testing Centres (ATTCs).
BCA and MOM will continue to recognize existing certifications such as the Skills Evaluation Certificate (SEC), Skills Evaluation Certificate (Knowledge) [SEC(K)] and Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) for Malaysian and NAS WPHs. There are no changes to the requirements for WPHs of other source countries. Please refer to the table below for more details.
Certificates Required to Attain Basic-skilled Status

Who can apply for Multiskilling scheme
Workers who meet the following criteria can register as a multi-skilling worker:
- Have a minimum of 4 years of construction experience in Singapore*
- Have 2 acceptable certifications:
(a) For first certification: Any SEC or SEC(K)2trade certification. Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) certification, for Malaysian WPH.
(b) For second certification3: Any SEC(K) trade certification in a different trade from the first certification
*Please note:
During registration, the employer will need to produce documents showing the Work Permit Holder (WPH)’s years of working experience in Singapore.
2 SEC(K) certification is available at:
- BCA Academy and various BCA Approved Training and Testing Centre (ATTCs).
- Various BCA Appointed Overseas Testing Centres (OTCs).
3 View list of SEC(K) trade skills recognised under 2nd certificate of the Multi-Skilling Scheme.
SEC(K) Trade Skills Recognised Under 2ndCertificate of the Multi-Skilling Scheme | |||
1 | Aircon Piping Installation | 38 | Marine Driven Piling Operation |
2 | Aluminium Formwork | 39 | Marine Sand Compaction Piling Operation |
3 | Asphalt Concrete Paving | 40 | Metal Scaffold Erection |
4 | Bored Micro-Piling Operation | 41 | Metal Scaffold Erection (System Scaffold) |
5 | Bored Piling Operation | 42 | Metal Scaffold Erection (Tubular Scaffold) |
6 | Bricklaying | 43 | Mobile Crane Operation |
7 | Cladding Installation | 44 | Painting |
8 | Construction Plant Operation (Bulldozer Operation) | 45 | Pipefitting |
9 | Construction Plant Operation (Excavator Loader Operation) | 46 | Plastering |
10 | Construction Plant Operation (Track Shovel Operation) | 47 | Plumbing & Pipefitting |
11 | Crawler Crane Operation | 48 | Precast Concrete Component Erection |
12 | Crawler Drill Operation | 49 | Precast Concrete Component Erection (with Tower Crane Hoist) |
13 | Curtain Wall Installation | 50 | Precast Kerb and Drain Laying |
14 | Deep Cement Mixing Operation | 51 | Precision Blocklaying and Wall Panel Installation |
15 | Doors & Windows Installation (Timber) | 52 | Prestressing |
16 | Doors and Windows Installation (Aluminium) | 53 | Soil Drilling & instrumentation |
17 | Driven Piling Operation | 54 | Steel Reinforcement Work |
18 | Ducting Installation for Air-Conditioning and Ventilation | 55 | Structural Steel Fitting |
19 | Electrical Wiring Installation | 56 | Suspended Ceiling Installation (Acoustical) |
20 | Enhanced Aluminium Formwork | 57 | Suspended Ceiling Installation (Fibrous Plaster) |
21 | Enhanced System Formwork | 58 | Suspended Scaffold Installation (Mast Climbing Platform) |
22 | Enhanced Timber Formwork | 59 | Suspended Scaffold Installation (Gondola) |
23 | Fibre Optics Installation | 60 | System Formwork Installation |
24 | Fire Sprinkler Installation | 61 | Telescopic Handler Operation |
25 | Gas Pipefitting | 62 | Thermal Insulation |
26 | Glazing | 63 | Tiling |
27 | Guniting | 64 | Timber Flooring |
28 | Hydraulic Excavator Operation | 65 | Timber Formwork |
29 | Hydraulic Excavator Operation (as Lifting Machine) | 66 | Tower Crane (Luffing Jib) Operation |
30 | Interior Drywall Installation | 67 | Tower Crane (Saddle Jib) Operation |
31 | Interlocking Blocks Pavement Construction | 68 | Trenchless Pipe Installation |
32 | Interior Gas Pipefitting | 69 | Tunnel Boring Machine (Earth Pressure Method) |
33 | Jack-in Piling Operation | 70 | Tunnel Boring Machine (Slurry Method) |
34 | Jet Grout Piling Operation | 71 | Underground Pipe-Jacking |
35 | Joinery | 72 | Waterproofing |
36 | Lift Installation | 73 | Welding |
37 | Marine Dredging Plant Operation | 74 | Mini Crane Operation |
Workers who are trained in approved safety courses
Continual Educational Training Requirements for renewal
With effect from 1 Oct 2016, workers who have a SEC(K) in the construction trade, can also be registered under the Multi-Skilling scheme if they meet the following criteria :
- Have a minimum of 6 years of construction experience in Singapore*
- Completed 120 hours of training in approved safety-related courses OR obtained WSQ Advanced Certificate in Workplace Safety and Health.
*Please note:
During registration, the employer will need to produce documents showing the Work Permit Holder (WPH)’s years of working experience in Singapore.
Landscape construction worker
With effect from 1 Sep 2018, landscape construction workers who have an SEC(K) in construction trade, can register under the Multi-Skilling Scheme if they meet the following criteria :
- Have a minimum of 6 years of construction experience in Singapore*
- Is employed by firm that is registered under NParks Landscape Company Registry (LCR).
- Completed the WSQ Higher Certificate in Horticulture & Turf Maintenance (by NParks);Or WSQ Certificate in Landscape Operations Composite Assessment (by NParks).
- Passed the SEC(K) in Construction-Related (Landscape) (by BCA).
*Please note:
During registration, the employer will need to produce documents showing the Work Permit Holder (WPH)’s years of working experience in Singapore.
Upgrading Pathway for Construction Work Permit Holders
Accelerated Learning Programme (ALP)

Source: BCA Approved Training and Testing Centres | Building and Construction Authority (BCA)
Registration Procedure for Multi-skilling Scheme
How to be registered as a Multi-Skilled Worker?
- For workers who have at least 4 years of working experience and 1 SEC or SEC(K) cert

How can employers benefit from the BCA Construction CoreTrade & Multi-Skilling Scheme?
- Raise the productivity and quality of workers who reskill/retrain.
- Workers equipped with different trade skills able to do work of other trades.
- Improve cost-productivity
Timeline Cycle for CoreTrade & Multi-Skilling Scheme

NOTE: Validity 2 years for CoreTrade/Multiskilling. Upon reaching 1.5 years, you need to submit an application to BCA for renewal approval which will take time. In addition, the schedule from ATTC courses/assessments may delay. All processes consume time and should any delay result in late renewal. This will affect the levy on these particular workers.
CoreTrade & Multi-Skilling Scheme Courses
Find out more about our Sales-related courses available for you to attain WSQ certificates.