How to Register for a UA Pilot License (UAPL) in Singapore

Table of contents

  1. UAPL Fees Summary
  2. When is a UA Pilot License required?
  3. UAPL Classes, Categories and Ratings
  4. How to Apply for a Class A UAPL
  5. UAPL Fees
  6. UAPL Variation
  7. Proficiency Check
  8. Related Articles
UA Training & Assessment OrganisationUATOs on averageDrone Element (See Course)
Course Package ContentPractical Lessons
Theory Lessons
Refresher Practical Lessons
Practical Lessons (21 hours)
Refresher Practical: Free-Of-Charge
Theory Lessons (12 hours)
Internal Theory Test
Internal Practical Assessment
Course Materials
Certification of Completion
Training Drone
Digital Anemometer
Fee – Total$2000 – $2699Full Course Fee – $2200
Sporeans 21 – 39 yrs old / PRs 21 yrs old & above – $1100
Sporeans 40 yrs old & above (MCES) – $660
Fee – Theory Test$125$125
Fee – Practical Assessment$199$199
Summary Breakdown of UALP Package Prices across the board, and from Our Training Providers
Cantley Lifecare Drone CoursesCantley Lifecare Drone Courses
UA Piloting Experience Training Courses (SkillsFuture-eligible)Drone Photography & Videography CourseDrone Operation for Security Surveillance
Fee – Full$1728$1512
Fee – Sporeans 21 – 39 yrs old / PRs 21 yrs old & above$928$812
Fee – Sporeans 40 yrs old & above (MCES)$608$532
Price Breakdown of UA Piloting Experience Courses from Our Training Providers

When is a UA Pilot License required?

A UA Pilot License (UAPL) is required under the following general circumstances:

  • Piloting a UA of any total mass in the course of business or for a purpose that is
    neither a recreation purpose nor an education purpose; or
  • Piloting a UA of a total mass exceeding 7 kg for any purpose

Note: A UAPL is not required under the aforementioned circumstances if the UA pilot is operating an UA under the supervision of a UAPL holder for a UAPL training conducted by a UATO, or a practical assessment or proficiency check conducted by an Authorized Flight Examiner or the Authority. Note also that a UA pilot must be at least 16 years old to hold a UAPL.

For a more detailed examination of when a UAPL and relevant permits are required before flying a drone, refer to our articles: Regulatory Requirements for Unmanned Aircraft in Singapore, and Permits for Unmanned Aircraft in Singapore

When is a UAPL not required?

A UAPL is NOT required by a UA pilot or a UA pilot supervisor when flying an UA indoors under the following circumstances:

  • within a private residence
  • an experimental site related to the construction and testing of the UA
  • within a non-publicly accessible area that is not being used for
    • a sporting activity that forms part of an organised group activity or
      organised competition, race or tournament;
    • an event that is attended by more than 50 individuals at any time
      during the event;
    • a flying display.

Note: “Publicly accessible” refers to a place that the public has the right to access, with or without payment.

UAPL Classes, Categories and Ratings

There are in total, 4 categories of UA: aeroplane, rotorcraft, powered-lift, and airship. For the purposes of this article, we will only be exploring the UAPL classes for rotorcrafts.

Class A UAPL

Allows for the operation of UA of total mass that does not exceed 25kg

Class B UAPL

Allows for operation of specific UA models (also known as rating) with total mass that exceeds 25kg. Applicants must hold a valid Class A UAPL for the same category as a prerequisite for application.

How to Apply for a Class A UAPL

  1. Attend Optional Training
  2. Register for a CAPELS account
    • Register & Login Page
    • Obtain your unique CAPELS PID number that is required for the theory test and practical assessment
  3. Pass Theory Test
    • Pass is a minimum of 75% test score
    • Not allowed to attempt test more than 2 times in a period of one month
    • Pass status is valid for 24 months
    • Must pass theory test to be eligible for this
    • Fee paid for the official test is fixed at $125.
  4. Pass Practical Assessment
    • Must pass assessment for the desired UAPL’s class and category
    • Conducted by Authorised Flight Examiner (AFE) under a CAAS-approved UATO, or by CAAS itself. Fee paid for the official assessment is fixed at $199.
  5. Submit UAPL Application
    • Submitted through CAPELS website
    • Upload Theory Test result and Make Payment (Practical Assessment results will be uploaded by AFE)
    • Applicant must be at least 16 years old
    • Typically takes 10 working days for application to be processed
  6. Receive Digital License
    • After UAPL is granted, applicant will receive email containing digital instructions for him/her to view digital license via the SGFlight mobile application


The norm for obtaining a UAPL is commonly to go through UATOs, practical and theory training fees vary. Some UATOs provide practical training, theory test, and practical assessment in a package.

Some of the drone training courses provided on our site are eligible to be paid for partially with SkillsFuture Credits, essentially subsidizing the cost of these lessons. An example is Commercial Drone Course for CAAS UAPL.

UAPL Variation

A valid UAPL holder may apply to CAAS to vary their license by

  • adding or removing a category to their UAPL
  • adding or removing a rating (UA model) to their UAPL
  • modifying a condition of the UAPL

To apply for it:

  • Submit application through CAPELS website
  • Application to be accompanied by the following information;
    • Practical assessment results of the applicant (uploaded to CAPELS by the AFE and tagged to the applicant) if the application is to add a Class A category to the UAPL; or
    • Documents evidencing that the applicant has satisfied all the requirements for the corresponding category in Class A if the application is to add a rating in Class B

Proficiency Check

All UAPL holders must pass a proficiency check conducted by an AFE from an approved UATO every 4 years from the date which the category was specified on the UAPL.

For Class A UAPL holders, failure to complete a competency check in time will lead to the expiry of the UAPL according to the category dates on the UAPL.

For Class B UAPL holders, in addition to a proficiency check, a refresher training in respect to each category stated on the Class B UAPL is required to be conducted once every year. Refresher training can be conducted by a UATO or an Operator Permit holder by whom the holder of the UAPL is employed or engaged. Failure to complete the proficiency check or refresher training will lead to the expiry of the UAPL in respect of the rating specified in the license. 

When undergoing the proficiency check, documents proving the completion of the Class B refresher training must be provided to the AFE.

If you’re interested in flying a drone in Singapore, refer to our drone regulation related articles

If you are interested in attending drone flying courses, check out our selection of Drone Courses.

For more information on unmanned aircraft flying in Singapore, refer to the CAAS website.