WSQ Advanced Certificate in Early Years

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Hours Course
SkillsFuture Credit
PSEA/UTAP Eligible
Free Enquiry Book Class Corporate Booking

Course Overview

WSQ Advanced Certificate in Early Years (ACEY) Course

The WSQ Advanced Certificate in Early Years course is designed to prepare early years educators for the care, guidance, and education of infants and toddlers (2 months – 36 months old).

*This course is also available for international students in both English and Mandarin. Please click on “Free Enquiry” to find out more.

*本课程也适用于英语和华语的国际学生。请点击“Free Enquiry”了解更多详情。

Course Title

Advanced Certificate in Early Years (SS) (synchronous E-Learning)

Course Objective: Advanced Certificate in Early Years

  • To be professional and skillful in reflective practice.
  • To engage in strong partnerships with colleagues, families and community.
  • To equip educarers with practical knowledge and skills to plan and implement programs, curriculum and environments for children from 2 months to 36 months.
  • To apply and implement suggested practices stated in EYDF in the work with young children and families.
  • To plan and provide quality activities to enhance holistic and optimal experiences for growth, development and learning in a safe environment.

WSQ Advanced Certificate in Early Years

Course Content: Advanced Certificate in Early Years

  1. Overview and introduction to Early Years Landscape in Singapore.
  2. Principles and Practice in Early Years Care, Development and Learning.
  3. Program planning and Pedagogy.
  4. The Early Years Environment.
  5. Professional development.
  6. Partnerships with families and community.
  7. Health, Safety and Well Being.

Entry Requirements

Existing Teachers (employed in Early Childhood Sector before 1 October 2011)

Completed Certificate in Infant/Toddler Care & Development CITCD) or

WSQ Higher Certificate in Infant Care (WSQ HCIC)

New Teachers (employed in Early Childhood Sector on/after 1 October 2011)

Completed Secondary 4 education, or

10 years of formal education

English Proficiency

Minimum GCE “O” Credit in EL1, or

IELTS 5.5 (Academic), or

SOA 5 for WPL (Writing), including attainment of an average SOA 5 in the WSQ WPL series

Application Fees

  • $80 (Non-refundable for local students)
  • $300 (Non-refundable for international students)

Professional Placement (Supervised Teaching Practicum)

This module involves students in 200 hours practical hands on sessions in a pre-school environment. Students will be mentored by in-house personnel and assessed by Practicum Supervisor assigned by Advent Links.


Students who have successfully completed the course will be awarded the WSQ Advanced Certificate in Early Years by SkillsFuture Singapore.

Other Early Childhood courses include Fundamentals Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education.

Course Feature

Course Feature

Course Provider: Advent Links-Sauc Education Centre Pte. Ltd.
UEN: 199603889K
Course Reference Number: TGS-2024048390
Mode Of Training: Synchronous E-learning
Funding Validity Period: 20 Aug 2024 – 12 Aug 2026

(Non Singaporeans and
Singaporeans Below 21)
Duration600 hours
(8-16 Months)
(400 hours Academic student + 200 hours placement in PreSchool)
*Can be paid via SkillsFuture, Bank Transfer, PayNow, Post Secondary Education Account

Available in: English

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