SkillsFuture Qualification Award (SQA)
Phasing out of SkillsFuture Qualification Award
The SkillsFuture Qualification Award (SQA) will be phased out. Eligible Singaporean trainees who wish to apply for the SQA will have up till 31 December 2022 to complete their WSQ qualifications. The date of completion is based on the date of assessment of the last module that contributes to the attainment of the WSQ full qualification.
Trainees who have attained the eligible WSQ qualifications will have up till 31 March 2023 to submit their SkillsFuture Qualification Award applications via the MySkillsFuture portal.
What is SkillsFuture Qualification Award
The SkillsFuture Qualification Award (SQA) encourages workers to attain WSQ full qualifications, which equip them with comprehensive and robust sets of skills to perform their jobs competently, pursue career progression and explore new job opportunities.
Currently, Singapore Citizens who attain their first WSQ Certificate, Higher Certificate, or Advanced Certificate will receive a one-time cash award of $200. Those who attain their first WSQ Diploma or Specialist Diploma will get a one-time cash award of $1,000.
From 1 January 2016, a SkillsFuture Qualification Award will be given to every Singapore Citizen upon their attainment of a full WSQ qualification. The cash quantum remains at $200 for WSQ Certificate, Higher Certificate or Advanced Certificate, and at $1,000 for WSQ Diploma and Specialist Diploma. The award of $1,000 will also be extended to WSQ Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma.
Who is eligible for SkillsFuture Qualification Award
To be eligible for the SkillsFuture Qualification Award, you must meet the following criteria:
- You have attained a WSQ full qualification within the specified qualifying period (see table below).
- You are a Singaporean Citizen at the time of attainment of the qualifying WSQ qualification.
- You are not a full-time student at the Polytechnics or ITE at the time of attainment of the WSQ qualification. This condition does not apply to adults who are in the workforce.
How much SkillsFuture Qualification Award am I eligible for?
Eligibility for the SkillsFuture Qualification Award is based on the date of attainment of your WSQ full qualification. Please refer to the table below:
Award | Eligible WSQ Full Qualifications |
From 1 August 2019 | |
$200 | For following WSQ frameworks: a. Business Management; b. Employability Skills; c. Leadership and People Management; and d. Service Excellence |
$1000 | For all other WSQ frameworks: |
Diploma | |
Specialist Diploma | |
Graduate Certificate | |
Graduate Diploma | |
$200 | WSQ Certificate |
Higher Certificate | |
Advanced Certificate |
If you are a Singapore Citizen and have successfully attained both a WSQ Diploma and a WSQ Certificate, you are eligible for a SQA of $1,000 for the attainment of a WSQ Diploma/ Specialist Diploma/ Graduate Certificate/ Graduate Diploma, and another $200 for the attainment of a WSQ Certificate/Higher Certificate/Advanced Certificate.
The award will be paid in cash to the individual.
See more on SkillsFuture Eligibility for SkillsFuture Credit Top Up
How do I Apply for SkillsFuture Qualification Award
1) Login to SkillsFuture Portal
Go to and click Login on the top right.

2) Select Digital Service from Top Menu
Select Digital Service from the top menu and click Apply for SkillsFuture Qualification Award.

3) SkillsFuture Qualification Award submission
Click Apply for SkillsFuture Qualification Award

What do I need for the application?
Before applying, please ensure that you have the following:
- SingPass ID
- Name as in bank account
- Mailing address
- Contact details
- Email address
- Bank account details (bank code, branch code and bank account number)
How long will it take me to complete the application?
It will take you approximately 10 minutes to complete the application in SkillsConnect. The peak periods for accessing SkillsConnect are 9am – 11am and 3pm – 5pm on weekdays. For faster system response, we encourage you to login during the non-peak hours.
How long will SSG take to process my application?
SSG will process your application within 2 weeks. This is subject to the information submitted being accurate and complete.
SkillsFuture Qualification Award FAQ
What is the difference between the Training Commitment Award (TCA) and SkillsFuture Qualification Award?
To qualify for Training Commitment Award (TCA), trainees must also be recipients of the Workfare Income Supplement (WIS). Trainees must be Singaporeans aged 35 years and above and earning up to $2,300 a month to be eligible.
Unlike the TCA which is targeted at older, low wage workers, there are no age and income criteria for the SkillsFuture Qualification Award. The SQA is similarly limited to Singaporeans only.
On average, how many modules make up a full WSQ qualification? What is the typical training duration?
Depending on the level and the sector, a full WSQ qualification can consist of 6 to 12 WSQ modules, and take from 3 months to 2 years of full time training to complete.