Recognise Terrorist Threat (Threat Observation)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Path-181.svg2 Days Course
SkillsFuture Credit/ Mid Career Eligible
PSEA Eligible
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Course Overview

RTT Course Singapore

The RTT course trains security personnels with essential knowledge to recognise potentially suspicious situations from person-vehicle-object borne threats at their workplace.

Recognise Terrorist Threat (RTT) course is 1 of the 3 compulsory Security Officer Courses to get a security officer license. Find out more on the steps of getting a security officer license →.

*Note: With effect from 1 January 2024, all security officers must complete the “Recognise Terrorist Threats” training before they can be deployed at ANY site.

Course Title

Recognise Terrorist Threats (Threat Observation)

Recognise Terrorist Threat (Threat Observation)

RTT Course Content

Learners will learn the for topics to attain skills and knowledge about the course

1. Describe contemporary terrorist threats

2. Identify person-borne threats

3. Identify vehicle-borne threats

4. Identify object-based threats

For Whom

New entrants to the security industry

Entry Requirements

  • Have at least a primary education qualification
  • Ability to listen and speak in English at WSQ (ES WSQ) level 4
  • Ability to read and write in English at Employability Skill WSQ (ES WSQ) level 4

Nationality Requirements

  • Singapore Citizen
  • Singapore Permanent Resident
  • Malaysian Citizen with valid work pass

Physical and Medical Requirements Requirements

  • Certified by a medical doctor to be physically fit for work
  • Not be colour-blind or hearing impaired

RTT Course Duration and Timings:

  • 16 training hours (2 days) 0900hrs to 1800hrs daily
  • Assessment by POLWEL – 2nd day (2 hours)
  • Assessment format : Role-Play and Oral Questions


Participants who fulfil all requirements will be certified with a Statement of Attainment (SOA) issued by the SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).

The other 2 compulsory security courses for Security Officer (SO) are Provide Guard & Patrol (PGPS) and Incident Response (HSIS).  After completing these 3 basic security modules, you can then Apply for the Security Licence.

The following links provide additional information about the security industry which may be of interest to you :

Course Feature

Course Feature

Course Provider: CCCS International Learning Institute Pte. Ltd.
UEN: 201004965K
Course Reference Number: TGS-2019504806
Mode Of Training: Classroom
Funding Validity Period: 01-11-2019 to 23-10-2025

(Singaporeans Below 21)
Duration2 Days
*Can be paid via SkillsFuture, Bank Transfer, PayNow, Post Secondary Education Account

Available in: English

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