Manage Disorderly Conduct & Threatening Behaviour – Deterrence
2 Days Course |
SkillsFuture Credit / Mid Career Credit Eligible |
PSEA, UTAP Eligible |
Course Overview
Deterrence (MDCTB)
Manage Disorderly Conduct & Threatening Behaviour (MDCTB) is a mandatory course for Senior Security Officers (SSO) under the Progressive Wage Model (PWM). This Deterrence course will equip security officers with essential knowledge and application skills in providing security protection and managing the challenges they may encounter throughout the course of their duty.
The learners are able to transfer the learning acquired to their workplace in various ways such as:
- Preparing for work activities.
- Deter threatening behaviour through visible security presence.
- Deal with disorderly/threatening behaviour.
Another mandatory SSO course is the Operate Basic Security Equipment (OBSE).
Course Title
Manage Disorderly Conduct and Threatening Behaviour (MDCTB)
Course Objectives
After successfully completing this unit, the learner will be equipped with apt grooming and projecting a professional image according to organisational standards. The learners will be trained to also prepare for work activities as well as logistical requirements and access control for special events. The learners will also be equipped with essential skills and knowledge to manage and deter disorderly conduct and threatening behaviour.
Learning Outcomes
- Prepare for work activities
- Deter threatening behaviour through visible security presence
- Deal with disorderly/threatening behaviour
Manage Disorderly Conduct & Threatening Behaviour – Deterrence
For whom
Security Personnel
Entry Requirements
- Have at least a primary education qualification
- Ability to listen and speak in English at WSQ (ES WSQ) level 4
- Ability to read and write in English at Employability Skill WSQ (ES WSQ) level 4
- Applicants who don’t fully meet the entry requirements are encouraged to contact us for an interview to discuss their suitability for the program
Nationality Requirements
- Singapore Citizen
- Singapore Permanent Resident
- Malaysian Citizen with valid work pass
Participants who fulfil all requirements will receive a Statement of Attainment (SOA) issued by the SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).
Before you can take the SSO courses, you need to first complete the 3 compulsory basic licencing courses for Security Officer (SO). These 3 compulsory security courses for Security Officer (SO) are Provide Patrol & Guard (PGPS), Incident Response (HSIS) and Threat Observation (RTT). After completing these 3 basic security modules, you can then Apply for the Security Licence.
The following links provide additional information about the security industry which may be of interest to you :
Course Feature
Course Feature
UEN: 201004965K
Course Reference Number: TGS-2019504807
Mode Of Training: Classroom
Funding Validity Period: 01-11-2019 to 23-10-2025