English for Beginners: Intensive Spoken English Course

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Path-181.svg76h 59m total length
9 sections
63 lectures

Course Overview

English for Beginners: Intensive Spoken English Course

This English for Beginners course is essential for complete beginners in English aiming to reach an intermediate level in the shortest time possible. It’s a fully animated and interactive spoken English course designed to build essential real-life communication skills. With simple explanations of grammar, numerous examples, and extensive listening and speaking practice, learning becomes both effective and enjoyable

What you’ll learn:

  • You will learn over 1000 vital English words, expressions and idioms, and how to use them in real life.
  • You will learn the most important English grammar with tons of English-speaking practice.
  • You will learn to think in English and to speak English fluently. (in Intermediate level)
  • You will learn to read in English and to spell English words intuitively
  • You will learn to understand movies and TV shows in English.
  • After the course, you can travel the world freely, without a language barrier
  • After the course, you can start preparing for English language tests like TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT etc.

Course Title

English for Beginners: Intensive Spoken English Course

This course includes:

  • 77 hours on-demand video
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion


  • A computer, or a tablet, or a phone with good speakers or headphones. (So you can hear the pronunciation very clearly).
  • Absolutely no previous knowledge of English is necessary.
  • 4 hours a week to speak English when you won’t be disturbed.
  • Very positive attitude 🙂

Who this course is for:

It is a must-have English course for complete beginners, who want to reach the intermediate level of spoken English in the shortest time possible.

Course content

9 sections • 63 lectures • 76h 59m total length

1. Instruction – 2 lectures • 6min
Promo Preview02:43
2. Chapter 1 – 8 lectures • 5hr 55min
Episode 1. Who’s in the cabinet?7:09
Episode 2. Let’s take a train25:36:00
Episode 3. What’s an article?20:05
Episode 4. Whose shoe is that?15:44
Episode 5. Those students know nothing6:06
Episode 6. To be or not to be… a waiter1:05
Episode 7. This article has a twin brother3:42
Episode 8. I don’t drink eight cups of coffee in the morning19:04
Episode 8. I don’t drink eight cups of coffee in the morning19:04
3. Chapter 2 – 11 lectures • 12hr 38min
Episode 9. How to spill coffee on the train31:08:00
Episode 10. What makes a good breakfast?8:51
Episode 11. Hamburger with sugar sounds good1:02
Episode 12. Sleeping isn’t healthy1:18
Episode 13. How much salt is there in French fries?1:30
Episode 14. Can’t work on Empty Stomach1:21
Episode 15. How to say I’m thirsty?1:19
Episode 16. Why does junk food tastes so good?1:15
Intensive English Lesson 1711:57
Episode 18. Grass is gross1:05
Episode 19. Why is my fridge empty?1:17
4. Chapter 3 – 12 lectures • 16hr 26min
Episode 20. Cheese pizza is my fave1:12
Episode 21. I don’t want to live in the subway1:16
Episode 22. Why don’t pineapples grow in Canada1:23
Episode 23. Eating out with Jack’s girlfriend1:24
Episode 24. She is getting all wet1:30
Episode 25. Grocery shopping with no money1:08
Episode 26. What can you do with your thumb?1:25
Episode 27. Pay your Pal1:19
Episode 28. I do sit in the elevator1:20
Episode 29. I don’t hate Japanese food1:20
Episode 30. It’s difficult to get on the crowded train1:35:50
Episode 31. Don’t hit a snake with your foot1:28
5. Chapter 4 – 9 lectures • 13hr 19min
Episode 32. Beer doesn’t grow on trees1:31
Episode 33. He can speak with his nose1:19
Episode 34. Hitting a table with your little toe… again1:29
Episode 35. I like it when my dog bites me1:16
Episode 36. She hates working for free1:32
Episode 37. Study smart, not hard1:34
Episode 38. Take a walk, pal1:31
Episode 39. I wear my sunglasses at night1:29
Episode 40. No one can make me work 24-71:33
6. Chapter 5 – 6 lectures • 9hr 15min
Episode 41. What does it cost to charge a Tesla?1:31
Episode 42. Who’s low on gas?1:34
Episode 43. Don’t do a dead-end job1:31
Episode 44. Put your money where your mouth is1:31
Episode 45. There’s snow in my mouth1:32
Episode 46. His business is going downhill1:33
Episode 39. I wear my sunglasses at night1:29
Episode 40. No one can make me work 24-71:33
Episode 40. No one can make me work 24-71:33
7. Chapter 6 – 8 lectures • 11hr 59min
Episode 47. She did had a spare ticket Preview01:31:44
Episode 48. Who takes exams on Sunday1:36
Episode 49. Sure you want to ask him out1:34
Episode 50. The Yankees1:19
Episode 51. What does MBA stand for?1:22
Episode 52. Mind sharing a spare tire?1:22
Episode 53. In this day and age1:33
Episode 54. The landlord is kicking me out1:38
Episode 54. The landlord is kicking me out1:38
8. Chapter 7 – 6 lectures • 7hr 20min
Episode 55. There’s no way you can put off your exams1:26
Episode 56. Standing near the entrance1:20
Episode 57. Grab a cup of coffee with a doughnut1:25
Episode 58. Moving out1:32
Episode 59. To pig or not to pig7:27
Episode 60. I’m out of teeth15:31
9. You’ve done it! 1 lecture • 1min
Thank you!0:41
Instructor: Logus Academy

LOGUS is an innovative online school, which employs only highly skilled and professional teachers and psychologists to create the most efficient courses.

We always think outside the box and we strive to make online self-teaching on par or even higher quality than traditional schools.   

Our mission: to make studying literally any topic a very easy and fun process.   

We are working hard on implementing the newest AI (artificial intelligence) and AR (augmented reality) technologies to teach literally anything to anyone in the world in the most efficient and fun way possible.     

Course Feature

Course Feature

Course Provider: Udemy
Course Reference Number: N/A
Mode Of Training: Online

Duration76h 59m

Available in: English