Counselling Skills Certificate Course (Beginner to Advanced)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Path-181.svg43h 58m total length
7 sections
178 lectures

Course Overview

Counselling Skills Certificate Course (Beginner to Advanced)

With this innovative Certificate in Counselling Skills training you’ll learn effective communication skills, wise perspectives, and how transformational improvements can be made to people’s beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, careers, and daily interactions. The course covers the time-proven theories that underpin many counselling approaches, including cognitive-behavioural, and person-centred approaches. Through the Certificate in Counselling Skills program, you will gain an understanding of the psychological principles and communication skills that are standard in all successful counselling relationships.

What you’ll learn:

  • A counselling approach that inspires change rather than imparting knowledge.
  • The different theoretical models and approaches to counselling psychology.
  • Understand the factors that motivate human emotions and decision-making.
  • Skills for listening that are useful for personal and professional relationships.
  • Awareness of oneself and a capability to build collaborative relationships.
  • Psychological theory that confirms the effectiveness of counselling skills.
  • Nonverbal communication; including listening, self-reflection and immediacy.
  • Employing counselling skills in your personal or professional relationships.
  • How to design a series of counseling sessions within a helping relationship.
  • And much, much more.

Course Title

Counselling Skills Certificate Course (Beginner to Advanced)

This course includes:

  • 44 hours on-demand video
  • 3 articles
  • 269 downloadable resources
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion


  • No previous experience of counselling is required to join in this course.
  • Students are encouraged to take notes (for self-reflection purposes only).
  • This training can be studied anywhere with a stable internet connection.
  • An MP3 version is also accessible for those who like to learn ‘on the go’.
  • Access your training course from a tablet, smartphone, or desktop.
  • Additional PDF materials are included to further your learning.

Who this course is for

  • Individuals who are interested in developing their skills or advancing their careers.
  • Students with an interest in psychology will find this course particularly interesting.
  • This course is suitable for men and women, regardless of age or ethnic background.
  • This course is best suited to students who are interested in improving themselves.
  • The course can be taken independently or in tandem with another Achology training
  • Leaders/managers, coaches, teachers, and parents benefit from counselling skills training.

Course content

7 sections • 178 lectures • 43h 58m total length

1. The Foundations of Person-Centred Counselling – 18 lectures • 4hr 17min
Introduction to Counselling Practitioner Certificate (Beginner to Advanced) Preview10:14
Course Support and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)2:47
Join the FREE Achology ‘Principles into Practice’ Discussion Group1:57
The Purpose of Counselling Preview11:50
Where the Ideas in Counselling Come From?20:14
The Levels of Relatability (Part 1) Preview18:32
The Levels of Relatability (Part 2)14:26
Discriminations: Self-Awareness Exercise10:56
The ‘Are You Prejudiced? Quiz10 questions
The Iceberg Concept of Culture (Part 1) 20:02
The Iceberg Concept of Culture (Part 2)14:25
The Dimensions of Personal Prejudice20:27
Introducing Frame of Reference18:03
The Values of Counselling Psychology (Part 1) Preview20:21
The Values of Counselling Psychology (Part 2)13:46
The Values of Counselling Psychology (Part 3)10:10
The Johari Window: Identifying Blind Spots (Part 1)17:04
The Johari Window: Identifying Blind Spots (Part 2)11:19
Person Centred: Carl Rogers 3 Core Conditions20:10
2. An Investigation of the Human Condition – 29 lectures • 7hr 51min
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Set of Ethical Questions (Part 1)20:33
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Set of Ethical Questions Part 217:24
Person Centred: How People See and Interpret Life (Part 1)11:56
Person Centred: How People See and Interpret Life (Part 2) Preview11:48
Person Centred: The Empathic Mind Model23:44
Humanism: The Human Givens Framework (Part 1)19:00
Humanism: The Human Givens Framework (Part 2)20:25
Humanism: The Human Givens Framework (Part 3)11:04
Humanism: Deriving Meaning & Purpose (Part 1)19:18
Humanism: Deriving Meaning & Purpose (Part 2)13:49
Exercise: How Present is Your Past?12:21
A Metaphor for Understanding People19:58
Understanding People: Further Distinctions13:46
The Pre-assumptions of Person Centred Therapy Part 121:51
The Pre-assumptions of Person Centred Therapy Part 212:55
Exercise: Exploring Your Core Beliefs Part 121:09
Exercise: Exploring Your Core Beliefs Part 214:23
Exercise: Exploring Your Core Beliefs Part 313:09
The Psychology of Self (Part 1 of 3)15:01
The Psychology of Self (Part 2 of 3)12:16
The Psychology of Self (Part 3 of 3)15:22
Six Ingredients of a Therapeutic Relationship Part 116:36
Six Ingredients of a Therapeutic Relationship Part 218:01
Psychoanalysis: Freud’s Iceberg Theory of Consciousness19:52
Psychoanalysis: Freud’s ID, Ego & SuperEgo Theory15:30
Sigmund Freud’s Defence Mechanisms (Part 1 of 3)20:00
Sigmund Freud’s Defence Mechanisms (Part 2 of 3)15:29
Sigmund Freud’s Defence Mechanisms (Part 3 of 3)14:52
Quiz: Can You Identify the Following Defence Mechanisms?10 questions
End of Section 2 Summary & Wrap-Up9:45
3. Counselling Frameworks, Standards and Self-Reflection – 18 lectures • 5hr 5min
Congruence Self-Assessment Exercise19:40
Self-Perception Self-Assessment (Part 1)20:27
Self-Perception Self-Assessment (Part 2)18:08
The Roadblocks to Active Listening (Part 1)16:51
The Roadblocks to Active Listening (Part 2)14:29
The Roadblocks to Active Listening (Part 3)16:25
The LCB Model for Understanding People (Part 1)20:28
The LCB Model for Understanding People (Part 2)20:51
The LCB Model for Understanding People (Part 3)16:12
Understanding People Further Distinctions & Exercise20:06
The Differences Between Death and Life (Exercise)13:57
Shifting From Negative to the Positive (Demonstration)17:24
Shifting From Negative to the Positive (Demonstration Deconstruction)13:19
Putting the LBC Model Into Practice (Part 1)15:31
Putting the LBC Model Into Practice (Part 2)12:49
Putting the LBC Model Into Practice (Demonstration Deconstruction)14:43
Section 3 Summary & the Human Experience Overview (Part 1)17:16
Section 3 Summary & the Human Experience Overview (Part 2)16:29
Section 3 Summary & the Human Experience Overview (Part 2)16:29
4. Philosophy and Principles of Counselling Psychology – 35 lectures • 9hr 20min
An Introduction to Counselling/Psychological Theory12:40
The Philosophical Underpinnings of Counselling Practice15:22
Martin Buber: The Philosophy of Dialogue13:51
Humanism: Conditions for Therapeutic Change (Expanded) Part 113:43
Humanism: Conditions for Therapeutic Change (Expanded) Part 212:43
Humanism: The Psychology of Abraham Maslow (Part 1)17:08
Humanism: The Psychology of Abraham Maslow (Part 2)15:24
Demonstration: A Values Based Discussion19:37
Psychoanalysis: Transactional Analysis & the 3 Ego States19:13
Psychoanalysis: Ego States Discussion and Demonstration20:08
Psychoanalysis: Ego States Discussion and Demonstration9:20
Transference, Counter Transference & Parallel Process14:37
Phenomenology: Innacurate Perceptions & Bee Stings21:22
The Six Stage Cycle of Change (Part 1)12:59
The Six Stage Cycle of Change (Part 2)14:12
General Awareness: Dependency & Co-Dependency (Part 1)16:46
General Awareness: Dependency & Co-Dependency (Part 2)9:41
Ontology: The Source of Human Identity (Part 1)16:16
Ontology: The Source of Human Identity (Part 2)12:38
Introducing Behaviourism: Calibrating on Behaviour20:13
How Theory Can Inform Counselling Practice (Demonstration)17:44
Behaviourism: Demonstration Deconstruction14:27
Cognitive Behavioural: Self Awareness Questions (Part 1)15:05
Cognitive Behavioural: Self Awareness Questions (Part 2)13:51
The CBT Thought Investigation Model18:37
The Thought Investigation Model Demonstration21:16
The CBT Human Experiential Model (Basic Model)20:26
The CBT Human Experiential Model (Advanced Model) Part 113:52
The CBT Human Experiential Model (Advanced Model) Part 211:31
The ABC’s of Cognitive Interpretation18:43
The Disputation of Innacurate Beliefs11:16
The Disputation of Innacurate Beliefs (Demonstration)18:13
Cognitive Distortions & Patterns of Unhelpful Thinking (Part 1)20:11
Cognitive Distortions & Patterns of Unhelpful Thinking (Part 2)16:41
The Natural Order of Human Emotion & Section Wrap-Up20:19
5. Counselling Skills and the Skilled Helper Model – 42 lectures • 10hr 4min
Introducing Counselling Skills & The 3 Phase Model16:19
The 10 Stage Counsellee Experience (Part 1)12:11
The 10 Stage Counsellee Experience (Part 2)12:03
Phase 1: Relationship Building Skills & Exploration19:40
Phase 1: Demonstration & Deconstruction (Part 1)13:05
Phase 1: Demonstration & Deconstruction (Part 2)8:59
Phase 1: Relationship Building Skills Advanced13:00
The Conversational Chunking Framework11:21
The Conversational Chunking Framework Demonstration15:31
Silence: A Self-Reflection Exercise11:12
Critical Reflection: Putting You On The Spot10:32
Empathic Relatability Exercise: Putting You On the Spot (Again)9:25
Starting Healthy Discussions: Icebreakers21:26
Starting Healthy Discussions: Demonstration9:59
Exploration Phase 1: Demonstration Session (Part 1)21:07
Exploration Phase 1: Demonstration Session (Part 2)18:18
Exploration Phase 1: Demonstration Deconstruction7:51
Alfred Adler: The Purpose of Skills in Therapy (Part 1)11:38
Alfred Adler: The Purpose of Skills in Therapy (Part 2)10:39
Phase 2: Broadening Perspective Counselling Skills (Part 1)17:24
Phase 2: Broadening Perspective Counselling Skills (Part 2)13:30
Exploring the Difference Between Open and Closed Questions14:30
Discussing Open and Closed Questions21:33
The Socratic Method for Empathic Confrontation9:33
The Socratic Method for Empathic Confrontation Demo (Part 1)22:01
Socratic Questioning for Empathic Confrontation Demonstration (Part 2)20:55
Demonstration Deconstruction & Analysis16:16
Another look at the LCB ‘Inside-Out’ Model7:52
The Phase 2 LCB Model Demonstration (Part 1)17:05
The Phase 2 LCB Model Demonstration (Part 2)16:47
The Phase 2 LCB Model Demonstration (Part 3)15:06
LCB Model Demonstration Deconstruction13:16
The Fundamental Levels of Listening18:38
Listening For: The Difference that Makes a Difference (Part 1)12:48
Listening For: The Difference that Makes a Difference (Part 2)12:18
Self Reflection Exercise: Listen and Learn5:48
Phase 3: The 5 Reflection Questions for Goal Setting20:58
Phase 3 Goal Setting Questions: Demonstration Session (Part 1)18:21
Phase 3 Goal Setting Questions: Demonstration Session (Part 2)17:21
Future Planning Questions: Self Reflection Exercise8:00
Phase 3: Selecting an Accountability Partner10:18
Endings, Evaluations of Clients, and End of Section Summary19:46
6. Demonstration Section: The Counselling Process in Action – 32 lectures • 6hr 44min

Introducing the Demonstration Section5:44
The Becca Sessions: Phase 1 Demonstration – Session 1 – Part 114:16
The Becca Sessions: Phase 1 Demonstration – Session 1 – Part 216:03
The Becca Sessions: Phase 1 Demonstration – Session 1 – Part 312:09
The Becca Sessions: Phase 1 Demonstration – Session 1 – Part 413:18
The Becca Sessions: Phase 1 Demonstration Deconstruction11:25
The Becca Sessions: Phase 2 Demonstration – Session 2 – Part 18:26
The Becca Sessions: Phase 2 Demonstration – Session 2 – Part 212:05
The Becca Sessions: Phase 2 Demonstration – Session 2 – Part 313:55
The Becca Sessions: Phase 2 Demonstration – Session 2 – Part 412:38
The Becca Sessions: Phase 2 Demonstration Deconstruction8:07
The Becca Sessions: Phase 3 Demonstration – Session 3 – Part 113:10
The Becca Sessions: Phase 3 Demonstration – Session 3 – Part 216:56
The Becca Sessions: Phase 3 Demonstration – Session 3 – Part 310:58
The Becca Sessions: Phase 3 Demonstration – Session 3 – Part 410:52
The Becca Sessions: Phase 3 Demonstration Deconstruction7:37
The Laurie Sessions: Phase 1 Demonstration – Session 1 – Part 114:09
The Laurie Sessions: Phase 1 Demonstration – Session 1 – Part 215:20
The Laurie Sessions: Phase 1 Demonstration – Session 1 – Part 317:08
The Laurie Sessions: Phase 1 Demonstration – Session 1 – Part 411:48
The Laurie Sessions: Phase 1 Demonstration Deconstruction9:42
The Laurie Sessions: Phase 2 Demonstration – Session 2 – Part 116:41
The Laurie Sessions: Phase 2 Demonstration – Session 2 – Part 215:07
The Laurie Sessions: Phase 2 Demonstration – Session 2 – Part 314:14
The Laurie Sessions: Phase 2 Demonstration – Session 2 – Part 413:24
The Laurie Sessions: Phase 2 Demonstration Deconstruction6:27
The Laurie Sessions: Phase 3 Demonstration – Session 3 – Part 115:02
The Laurie Sessions: Phase 3 Demonstration – Session 3 – Part 214:13
The Laurie Sessions: Phase 3 Demonstration – Session 3 – Part 319:36
The Laurie Sessions: Phase 3 Demo – Session 3 – Part 413:29
The Laurie Sessions: Phase 3 Demo Deconstruction8:54
End of Demonstration Section Summary & Wrap up11:33
7. Completion of Course Review and Graduation – 4 lectures • 37min
The Principles of Professional Counselling Practice10:58
Course Recommended Reading List13:11
Closing Thoughts and End of Course Summary11:05
Instructor: Kain Ramsay

In addition to being an acclaimed keynote speaker, a social media presence with a global audience, and an established social entrepreneur, Kain Ramsay is an international bestselling author and a time-served applied psychologist.

For the past 15 years, Kain has been involved in the fields of applied psychology, social entrepreneurship, coaching, mentoring, and training. Since 2007, Kain’s distinctive communication style has continued to inspire individuals, teams, audiences and organizations around the world to achieve their highest potential.

Kain began his career in the armed forces, then gained international experience in business development before becoming one of the World’s most popular instructors in life coaching. Using cutting-edge methodologies, he teaches social entrepreneurs, coaches, and executives how to realize their potential and impact the world for the better, and introduces a new, forward-thinking method for delivering education.

With his entrepreneurial mindset and ability to build communities, Kain’s innovative teaching philosophy has been adopted by social influencers around the globe, who use his practical strategies and insights to improve their lives and those of others.

Kain became an instructor for Udemy in 2014. Currently, over 650,000 learners around the world follow his training materials, making him one of the most popular instructors on Udemy in the categories of personal development, communication skills, self-awareness training, modern applied psychology, and mental health.

In 2015, Kain was one of the founders of Achology, a groundbreaking digital training platform that enables an international learning community to collaborate in their learning and competency development. Competency and integrity, being two of Kains most deeply prioritised values. Kain founded and launched Achology, a groundbreaking approach to e-learning, in 2018.

Kain has leveled the playing field by introducing contemporary psychological principles into today’s educational system, so that individuals and organisations alike, can gain greater understanding of the strategies and insights required to enhance their intrinsic value and make a greater impact in the modern world.

Kain and his wife, Karen, live in Dunfermline, the ancient capital of Scotland.

In addition to his extensive analysis of real-life experiences, Kain’s teaching methodology has inspired thousands of enthusiasts and professionals around the world to realize their full potential and begin making a positive impact.

Instructor: The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology

It is through applying wise psychological principles that people mature, develop themselves and transform their societies.

The field of psychology has long been imprisoned behind an unbreachable wall of complicated academic jargon, irrelevant speculation, and high tuition fees.

The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology’s 17-course curriculum liberates psychology from the constraints of academia and showcases how applying psychological wisdom increases the quality and efficiency of people’s lives.

Our purpose in the Academy of Modern Applied Psychology is to equip you with the knowledge and wisdom you need to transform yourself, influence other people, and positively impact your world. The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology (AMAP) was founded in 2018 and offers a wide selection of on-demand training courses, as well as a unique experiential learning opportunity in modern applied psychology and its adjacent disciplines.

Assisting its members and students in acquiring the necessary skills, knowledge, competencies, and confidence to apply timeless psychology-based concepts to their daily lives. We offer a range of comprehensive modern applied psychology associated certification programs, including coaching, neuro-linguistic programming, cognitive behavioural psychology, mindfulness, hypnotherapy, counselling and mental wellness training.

Academy members can earn a certificate in two ways: a certificate of completion for completing a course) and a certificate of achievement (for demonstrating skills and competency). The Academy, with its international reach, delivers life-changing ideas and psychology-based wisdom to 685,000+ students who wish to learn about, understand, and positively influence human behaviour.

Modern applied psychology training enables its learners to; grow in self-awareness, self-discipline, improve social skills, and grow in character and wellbeing by blending together wise psychological principles with philosophical ideals. The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology does not focus on ‘technical abilities,’ but instead on fundamental ideas and theories that have been discussed and written about since the field’s inception.

All Academy of Modern Applied Psychology training is designed to cultivate mature, socially effective, and virtue-oriented individuals who are confidently equipped to influence positive cultural improvements within their cultures, communities, and nations.

Course Feature

Course Feature

Course Provider: Udemy
Course Reference Number: N/A
Mode Of Training: Online

Duration43h 58m

Available in: English