Introduction to Business Administration

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Path-181.svg1h 23m total length
7 sections
27 lectures

Course Overview

Introduction to Business Administration

This Business Administration course introduces participants to the fundamental principles of Business Administration. It examines the factors that lead towards successful administration of a business, and the leadership skills and behaviors necessary for achieving organizational goals and objectives. It is designed to examine modern management challenges organizations face and provides an explanation of various types of planning and decision-making tools that can aid in attaining success. The course will cover both the traditional and current thinking relating to management concepts and theories.  Additionally, the course is structured to increase participants’ knowledge of the fundamentals of organizing, influencing, communication, motivation and human resource management.

What you’ll learn:

  • State the principles of management
  • Identify and explain management functions, roles and responsibilities
  • Explain human behaviour and the elements that influence employee behaviour
  • Identify and explain the theories of motivation and establish strategies to motivate and build staff morale in the organization

Course Title

Introduction to Business Administration

This course includes:

  • 1.5 hours on-demand video
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion

Who this course is for:

Beginners who are pursuing an associate or undergraduate programme that include a course in business administration

Course content

7 sections • 27 lectures • 1h 23m total length

1. Introduction – 4 lectures 16min
Unit 1: Introduction Preview1:44
Unit 1: Management Concepts and Theories Preview02:07
Unit 2 Modern Management Challenges Preview06:41
Management History & Current Thinking5:43
2. Section 2: Corporate Social Responsibility – 12 lectures 32min
Unit 2: Corporate Social Responsibility Introduction1:49
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)3:10
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) part 22:59
Ethics Introduction1:31
Sustainability Introduction1:10
Workplace Diversity1:29
Diversity Management6:11
Managing in the Global Arena1:15
Managing in the Global Arena5:44
Management, Entrepreneurship and Business Ownership1:55
3, Unit 3: Decision Making and Planning – 2 lectures 6min
Planning and Decision Making1:12
Decision Making4:53
4. Unit 4: Key Functional Activities in Organizations: Accounting & Marketing – 2 lectures 5min
Key Functions1:20
Key Functions3:23
5. Unit 5: Organizing – 2 lectures 4min
6. Unit 6 Human Resource Management, Organizational Change and Culture – 2 lectures 8min
Human Resource Management1:23
Human Resource Management6:31
7. Unit 7: Influencing- 3 lectures 12min
Influencing Introduction1:26
Influencing Part 24:48
Influencing, Communication, Leadership5:36
Instructor: The University of the Commonwealth Caribbean

The University of the Commonwealth Caribbean (UCC) is Jamaica’s largest privately-held premier higher educational institution providing students with world class educational programs and highly trained and qualified local & international faculty.

The institution has its headquarters in Kingston Jamaica. It was formed in 2004 as a result of the merger in 2002 of the Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) incorporated in 1992 and the Institute of Management & Production (IMP) incorporated in 1976. The new expanded institution remains one of the fastest growing institutions in the country as well as in the Caribbean region.

Course Feature

Course Feature

Course Provider: Udemy
Course Reference Number: N/A
Mode Of Training: Online

Duration1hr 23min

Available in: English