React Crash Course: From Zero to Hero

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Path-181.svg2hrs 54m total length
8 sections
41 lectures

Course Overview

React Crash Course: From Zero to Hero

This course was selected for our collection of top-rated courses trusted by businesses worldwide. Learn React from scratch and build your first application step by step. Each section is designed with detailed lectures and hands-on examples to reinforce your learning. By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped with the skills to build and deploy sophisticated React applications.

What you’ll learn:

  • The core knowledge of React. JS
  • How to set up a development environment
  • React application creation
  • How to create and organize the first React component
  • How to successfully write JSX markup
  • Styling React components
  • How to manage component state using the useState hook
  • and much more.

Course Title

React Crash Course: From Zero to Hero

This course includes:

  • 3 hours on-demand video
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion


  • Basic knowledge of HTML/CSS
  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript (we provide reading materials for those who are not familiar with JavaScript)

Who this course is for:

For everyone who is thrilled to learn about React. JS – the top JavaScript library for web application building

Course content

8 sections • 41 lectures • 2h 54m total length

1. Introduction the Course – 4 lectures 9min
Welcome to the Course Preview01:06
Course Requirements Preview00:50
How to Use Code Examples from Github4:29
How to Study on Udemy2:27
2. Getting started – 7 lectures 30min
What is React7:26
Environment Setup3:34
Creating React Application4:15
Application Structure5:42
Cleaning Up Application2:02
Developer Tools6:35
Getting Started20 questions
3. Creating Component – 5 lectures 19min
Your First Component2:45
Importing and Exporting Components2:51
Writing Markup with JSX5:31
Using Variables in JSX7:04
Creating Component10 questions
4. Adding Interactivity – 7 lectures 41min
Passing Props to a Component5:32
Component Props Manipulations5:40
Responding to Events8:04
Rendering List10:11
Fragment Component4:40
Conditional Rendering6:33
Adding Interactivity12 questions
5. Styling in React – 6 lectures 25min
Using Inline Styles7:30
Using CSS Files4:58
Using CSS Modules4:20
Using Global CSS Styles2:36
Alternative Styling Options4:48
Styling in React12 questions
6. Managing State – 5 lectures 18min
Component life-cycle and state3:11
Component state vs local variables3:15
Using useState hook4:59
Batch updating of useState5:57
Managing State20 questions
7. Managing Complex State – 4 lectures 28min
Updating Objects in State11:48
Adding/Deleting items in Array State8:38
Updating items in Array State6:44
Managing Complex State8 questions
8. Final section – 3 lectures 4min
How to leave a review1:17
How to get a certificate0:57
Instructor: Anton Voroniuk

Greetings! I am Anton Voroniuk, a seasoned Digital Marketing Expert with over 17 years of experience. As the CEO of Skillsbooster, a prestigious Digital Marketing Academy, and the CBDO of WebPromoExperts Digital Marketing Agency, I have dedicated my career to empowering beginners and experienced professionals in the ever-evolving field of digital marketing.

At Skillsbooster, we pride ourselves on creating and delivering exceptional digital marketing courses that cover a wide range of topics, including digital marketing strategies, artificial intelligence marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization, content marketing, email marketing, web analytics, paid advertising, web design, and much more. Our commitment to providing high-quality education has led to over 700,000 digital marketing specialists successfully completing our online courses.

I am honored to be recognized as a Google Premier Partner, Facebook Marketing Partner, and TikTok Ad Partner. These partnerships reflect our expertise and dedication to staying at the forefront of digital marketing trends and technologies.

In addition to my roles at Skillsbooster and WebPromoExperts, I am also a Udemy Instructor Partner, ensuring that learners worldwide have access to comprehensive digital marketing training. Furthermore, I hold various credentials such as Google Analytics Individual Qualification, Google Ads Individual Qualification, Bing Ads Accredited Professional, and Search Ads360 Certified, obtained through my tenure as a Google Academy Agency Trainer.

My team and I are passionate about helping individuals like you achieve their goals through online learning. We provide round-the-clock support during your studies and beyond, ensuring that you receive personalized guidance and mentorship throughout your digital marketing journey.

I invite you to join our vibrant Community of Digital Marketing Experts. Together, we can unlock your potential and shape a successful future in the dynamic world of digital marketing.

Connect with me today and let’s embark on this exciting journey together!

Instructor: Dmytro Vasyliev

Hey, I’m Dmytro Vasyliev, a Senior Front-end Engineer with more than 9 years of professional experience in developing web applications. I have extensive experience with React and other frameworks, having used it in various projects to build dynamic and efficient user interfaces.

I’m currently working as a Senior Front-end Engineer at Doccle, a Belgian digital platform used by 2.5 million people to store personal documents. My role involves transitioning the product code base to React, implementing new product features, extending the components library, care about app architecture and much more.

I am ready to openly share all my experience and knowledge with you!

Course Feature

Course Feature

Course Provider: Udemy
Course Reference Number: N/A
Mode Of Training: Online

Duration2hrs 54m

Available in: English