SEO Training Course

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Path-181.svg3h 25 min total length
7 sections
18 lectures

Course Overview

SEO Training Course

SEO is the active practice of optimizing a web site by improving internal and external aspects in order to increase the traffic the site receives from search engines. Firms that practice SEO can vary; some have a highly specialized focus, while others take a more broad and general approach. Optimizing a web site for search engines can require looking at so many unique elements that many practitioners of SEO (SEOs) consider themselves to be in the broad field of website optimization (since so many of those elements intertwine).

What you’ll learn:

  • Understand basics of SEO

Course Title

SEO Training Course

This course includes:

  • Online video content
  • Certificate of completion
  • Instructor Q&A
  • Instructor direct message

Who this course is for:

Anyone interested in learning about SEO

Course content

7 sections • 18 lectures • 3h 25m total length

1. SEO Strategy Development – 5 lectures 48min
What does an SEO do in their day-to-day work?6:21
How to craft remarkable SEO strategy for 20179:01
SEO Strategy Audit in 5 Steps9:49
How to create demand for sites with little or no search volume11:54
Creating a Customer Journey Map10:47
2. Site Audits and Structure – 3 lectures 41min
Kickstart an SEO Site Audit for your Startup18:00
Controlling Indexing for better Search Engine Ranks12:23
Subfolders vs. Subdomains10:46
3. Keyword Research Basics – 2 lectures 19min
Step by Step process for discovering, prioritizing keywords12:07
How to Build a Killer Content to Keyword Map6:42
4. On-Page SEO Fundamentals – 2 lectures 29min
8 Principles of a great on page SEO strategy17:42
How to Optimize for Competitors’ Branded Keywords11:27
5. Link building and Off-Page SEO – 3 lectures 39min
The Rules of Link Building8:46
Targeted Link Building in 201612:46
20 Attributes that Influence a Link’s Value17:08
6. SERP Features (a.k.a. Featured Snippets) – 1 lecture 12min
How to Appear in Google’s Answer Boxes11:34
7. Reporting on SEO – 2 lectures 18min
How to convert client goals into reportable metrics8:58
How to prove the ROI of content campaigns9:25
Instructor: Moz moz

Backed by industry-leading data and the largest community of SEOs on the planet, Moz builds software to help marketers not only see their data, but get actionable insights to improve their visibility online. Our products for SEO, brand, content, social, and local marketing help customers rank higher, improve outreach, and increase brand awareness. True to its TAGFEE values, Moz is dedicated to helping people do better marketing by providing online marketing tools, tutorials, and educational resources. Moz supports over 35,000 customers and 500,000 community members worldwide from its offices in Seattle, Washington, and Portland, Oregon.

One quick note: the certificates given by Udemy are just for fun; they’re in no way meant to imply an official certification or affiliation with Moz.

Course Feature

Course Feature

Course Provider: Udemy
Course Reference Number: N/A
Mode Of Training: Online

Duration3h 25min

Available in: English